
Our Award Winning Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Yorkshire Pudding Champion

Yorkshire Pudding Recipe

Winning a Yorkshire Pudding competition once was flattering enough but becoming a two-time champion kind of confirmed that we had a full-proof Yorkshire Pudding Recipe that had been judged by expert restaurant and food critics.
When it comes to exploring the world of culinary delights, it’s not just about mastering the art of cooking specific dishes. It’s also about gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of food culture. If you’re someone who is passionate about food and enjoys experiencing diverse culinary options, then you might find inspiration in reading a well-written food essay. Such an essay can provide valuable insights into the art of cooking and the cultural significance of various dishes.
For those looking to broaden their culinary horizons, you can discover more about our award-winning Yorkshire Pudding Recipe here – enjoy the journey of flavours and traditions!”

Our award-winning Yorkshire Pudding Recipe in full – enjoy!!


225g Plain Flour
4 Eggs
300ml Milk
1 tsp Salt
½ tsp White Pepper


Sift Flour and Salt in to a large bowl and add the beaten eggs* and half the milk, whisk until it resembles wall paper paste (needs to be very smooth) add the rest of the Milk and again whisk to form the batter, let it rest for 30 mins, this can be speeded up by placing it in the fridge for 10 mins.

Put a muffin tray with ½ tsp of beef dripping in each hole in the oven at the highest possible temperature (normally 270) until your hear the oven click and reach temperature. Remove the muffin tray and pour in your batter (about ½ to ¾ way up each hole) place back in oven and reduce temp immediately to 230 (bake for 20 mins)

*Tip, when you whisk the eggs do it softly and just until it resembles snot. Should only take a few seconds!! The eggs forms the Glue that make them rise and stay together!!

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We’d also love you see you in action using our recipe, make sure take a picture and email it to me info@yorkshirepudd.co.uk!!

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