Mars Bar Yorkshire Pudding the best kept secret ever!

As it turns out, I’m not the only Yorkshire Pudding expert in Yorkshire.  Ben Cox holds this title in the professional division of the annual Yorkshire Pudding competition.  He also owns and runs, with his wife Lindsey, The Star at Sancton, a quaint establishment in a small village on the outskirts of Beverley.  It oozes the level of hospitality one would expect in Yorkshire – watch out for our restaurant review coming soon!

So it is that Ben proudly claims responsibility for this calorically powerful gem of a recipe.  He tells me he and his team spent hours perfecting the decadent pudding, trialling different chocolate bars until they honed in on the proper candidate – the Mars bar.  Lab coats surely got a bit tight around the waistline by the time testing was complete.

Now before you discount this recipe for its calorie count and categorise it next to the Scottish deep fried Mars bar, you must first consider the bare ingredients of a Yorkshire Pudding: flour, eggs, milk.  Now consider the key ingredients in the batter for crepes, commonly filled with sweet or savoury foods: flour, eggs, milk.  You see!  You are completely justified to eat this treat!  Ben created it and now is proud to provide you with…

Mars Bar Yorkshire Puddings – Recipe

Ingredients – for the Yorkshire Pudding (adapted from my own award winning recipe)

  • 225g plain flour
  • 4 eggs, beaten
  • 300ml milk
  • 1 tsp icing sugar
  • Handful of finely chopped fresh mint
  • 3 tsp vegetable oil

Ingredients – for the Chocolate Sauce

  • 100g 70% dark chocolate
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 knob of butter
  • 1 splash of milk

Directions for Yorkshire Pudding

Sift flour and icing sugar into a large bowl and add the beaten eggs and half the milk.  Whisk until it resembles wall paper paste (needs to be very smooth) and then add the rest of the milk and the chopped mint. Whisk again to form the batter. Let it rest for 30 minutes.  Resting time can be sped up by placing it in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Put a muffin tray with ½ tsp of vegetable oil in each hole in the oven at the highest possible temperature (normally 270) until the oven completes its preheating.  Remove the muffin tray and pour in your batter about ½ to ¾ of the way up each hole. Place 1 frozen fun-size Mars bar in the batter place it back in the oven.  Reduce temperature immediately to 230.  Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately with chocolate sauce.

Directions for Chocolate Sauce

Melt the chocolate over a bain marie. Once melted, add a splash of milk, 1 tbsp of honey, and 1 knob of butter.  Mix this together until it’s a smooth consistency adding more milk if required.

I must say, this is not a dish I recommend consuming on a daily basis!  However, it certainly gets my vote as an incredibly delicious indulgence. What’s more, I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up as a stellar example of a sweet version for the Yorkshire Pudding recipe.  This is what I love about the articles – the tasteful spins on old favourites!

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Check back with us soon for more edible treasures. And get in touch with us at with your own recipes and article ideas.  We love to hear from you!