There are over 2,000 species of termites in the world, divided into three main groups.

If not caught early and treated properly, termites can cause extensive damage to a home’s structure and foundation. This damage can lead to costly repairs and, in some cases, may even render a home uninhabitable. They are extremely hard to get rid of, and usually, that process requires professional help.

Termites are one of the most destructive pests that can target a home. 

What are Termites?

Most people think of termites as pests that damage homes, but in reality, there are many different types of termites with a wide range of habitats. Termites are actually a type of cockroach, and they are related to other common pests like crickets and mantises. 

There are over 2,000 species of termites in the world, divided into three main groups: dry wood termites, dampwood termites, and subterranean termites.

Drywood termites are the most common type of termite in the United States. 

drywood termites

They live in dry wood, such as dead trees or the wood in your home. Drywood termites do not need contact with soil to survive, so they can build their nests anywhere there is a food source.

Dampwood termites are found in moist or decaying wood. 

dampwood termites

They require contact with moisture to survive, so they are often found near sources of water like leaky pipes or wet soil. Dampwood termites are less common than dry wood termites, but they can cause just as much damage.

Subterranean termites are the most destructive type of termite. They live in colonies in the ground, and they build tunnels to reach above-ground food sources. Subterranean termites are found in every state except Alaska, and they cause billions of dollars in damage each year.

Termites are small insects, but they can cause a lot of damage.

Which Time of Year is Termites Most Active?

The answer to this question depends on the region in which you live. In general, termites are most active during the spring and summer months when temperatures are warm and moisture levels are high. 

However, there may be some activity during other times of the year as well, particularly if conditions are favourable.

How Can Termites Destroy Your Summer Home?

Termites can be a real problem for homeowners, especially during the summer months. These pests can cause extensive damage to your home, and if you’re not careful, they can even destroy your summer home. It’s crucial to be aware of termite activity in your area to take timely preventive measures.

Here are some tips to help you keep termites away from your summer home.

  1. Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Termites are attracted to wood, so if you have any wood in your yard that’s not being used, make sure to remove it. This includes firewood, lumber, and anything else made of wood.
  2. Seal any cracks or crevices in your home. Even the smallest crack can provide an entry point for termites. So, it’s important to seal any cracks or crevices in your home, both inside and out.
  3. Inspect your home regularly for signs of termites. If you see any wood that’s been damaged by termites, call a professional right away. The sooner you catch the problem, the easier it will be to fix.
  4. Treat your yard with insecticide. There are many different products on the market that can help keep termites away from your home. Be sure to follow the directions carefully and apply the product evenly over your entire yard.
  5. Hire a professional exterminator if necessary. If you have a serious problem with termites, you may need to hire a professional exterminator to get rid of them. Services like Winter Park Pest Control specialize in effectively eliminating such infestations. This is usually the last resort, but it may be the only way to get rid of the problem completely.

How to Spot First Signs of Termites?

The first step in spotting termites is to look for signs of swarming. Swarming termites are attracted to light, so you may see them near doors and windows.

They also leave behind wings, which you may find on the ground or in areas where they have been active. If you see any of these signs, it’s important to contact a professional Phoenix Pest Control company (or another similar elsewhere) as soon as possible so that the problem is dealt with before it gets worse.

Another sign of termites is damage to wood. Termites eat wood from the inside out, so you may see holes in wood that is otherwise structurally sound. You may also notice sawdust around these holes, as well as around areas where termites have been active.

Final Word

These are just a few tips to help you keep termites away from your summer home. If you suspect you have a problem with these pests, don’t hesitate to call a professional. The sooner you catch the problem, the easier it will be to fix.