Unlocking the Mystery: How Long Does a CCJ Linger on Your Credit File and What You Can Do About It

If you’ve recently received a County Court Judgment (CCJ) or are concerned about its impact on your financial future, one of the burning questions on your mind is likely, How long does a CCJ stay on your credit file? 

A CCJ can have significant consequences for your creditworthiness, making it essential to understand the timeline of its presence on your credit report. In this guide, we’ll explore what a CCJ is, why it matters, and the precise duration it stays on your credit file.

What is a CCJ?

A County Court Judgment, commonly referred to as a CCJ, is a legal order issued by a court in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland. It is typically the result of unpaid debts, such as outstanding loans, credit card balances, or unpaid utility bills. 

When a creditor takes legal action against you for non-payment, the court may issue a CCJ to compel you to repay the debt. This judgment can have a lasting impact on your financial health and creditworthiness.

Why Does a CCJ Matter?

Understanding the importance of a CCJ is crucial in grasping why its presence on your credit file is a matter of concern. Here are some key reasons why a CCJ matters:

  • Credit Impact: A CCJ significantly damages your credit score, making it harder to obtain credit in the future. Lenders are often reluctant to extend credit to individuals with a history of CCJs, as it indicates a higher risk of defaulting on payments.
  • Limited Borrowing Options: With a CCJ on your record, you may be limited to borrowing from subprime lenders who charge higher interest rates. This can lead to higher borrowing costs over time.
  • Housing and Employment: Some landlords and employers may check your credit history before renting a property to you or offering you a job. A CCJ can negatively influence their decisions.
  • Financial Stress: Dealing with the legal and financial implications of a CCJ can be stressful. It may involve court appearances, asset seizures, or wage garnishments, depending on the severity of the debt.

Now that you understand why a CCJ matters let’s address the critical question: How long does a CCJ stay on your credit file?

How Long Does a CCJ Stay On Your Credit File?

A CCJ’s duration on your credit file depends on whether you satisfy the judgment or not. Here’s how it works:

Satisfied CCJs

If you pay the full amount of the CCJ within one month of the judgment date, you can apply to have it removed from the Register of Judgments, Orders, and Fines. Once removed, it will no longer appear on your credit file, and its impact on your credit score diminishes.

However, if you don’t pay the CCJ within one month but settle it later, it will still be marked as “satisfied” on your credit file. Although this is better than having an outstanding CCJ, it may still impact your ability to access credit on favourable terms.

Unsatisfied CCJs

If you fail to satisfy the CCJ within the specified time frame, it will remain on your credit file for six years from the date of judgment. This period is fixed, and there’s no way to have it removed earlier. Even if you pay the debt after these six years, the CCJ will still show on your credit file during that time.

What Can You Do About a CCJ?

While you cannot erase a CCJ from your credit file before the six-year period ends, there are steps you can take to mitigate its impact:

  • Pay the Debt: If you haven’t already, try to pay off the CCJ as soon as possible. Once satisfied, it will be marked as such on your credit report, which is less damaging than an unsatisfied CCJ.
  • Maintain Good Financial Habits: Practice responsible financial behaviour by paying bills on time, managing credit wisely, and reducing debt. Over time, positive financial behaviour can help improve your credit score, making the CCJ’s impact less significant.
  • Check Your Credit Report: Regularly monitor your credit report to ensure that all information is accurate. Dispute any errors with the credit reporting agencies to prevent additional harm to your credit.
  • Seek Professional Advice: If you’re struggling with multiple debts or the CCJ is causing financial hardship, consider seeking advice from a debt counsellor or financial advisor. They can help you create a plan to manage your finances effectively.


A CCJ can have a lasting impact on your credit file and financial well-being. How long it stays on your credit file depends on whether you satisfy the judgment or not. By understanding the implications of a CCJ and taking steps to manage it responsibly, you can work towards rebuilding your creditworthiness and securing a brighter financial future. Remember that financial challenges can be overcome with patience, discipline, and the right guidance.